(Notes from Nov to Dec 2008 posted on 17-Mar-2009)
Dec 31, 2008
Iris Brewer (wife of Ira Brewer) – HQ-Co 20th AIB
God bless you all,
Please cancel my membership. I am not able to travel so cannot attend any of your functions. Ira B. Brewer died 4/9/2001. He served in Hdq’s Co. 20th Armd Inf Bn.
– Iris A. Brewer
[Iris – We will be proposing that veteran’s widows may elect to continue to receive a courtesy copy of our Western Chapter newsletter. – Ed.]
Dec 17, 2008
Louis Siembor – SV-Co 61st AIB
Hello Everyone,
Exactly 64 years ago, (today) we were alerted to load and pull out for the Ardennes area and take part in the infamous Battle of the Bulge. What a Xmas that was. Knowing that this note will not be published in time for this Xmas in your wonderful well organized Newsletter, all of us here still wish all of you the Best of Holidays and the New Year of 2009.
Enclosed my dues for 2009 and a little extra – You people deserve it.
We had our Detroit Chapter Social Meeting this past Dec 3. Sadly only 14 people attended. Our attendance is dwindling down very rapidly.
We really enjoy your Great Newsletter – Please keep it going.
– Louis Siembor, President, Detroit Chapter, 10th Armored
Dec 6, 2008
James Myers – C-Co 20th AIB
Dear Comrade Philip W. Burge,
Just a few lines. Having good weather for December. It has been a very dry year. We sure need some water. It was nothing to have 2 or 3 feet of snow like I saw in Germany.
I spent a week in the hospital. They got my medicine mixed up. Four doctors had me on eleven pills and now I’m taking four.
We have sure had fires this year.
Well, Comrade Philip, must close. Have a good Xmas and New Year.
– In comradeship, James D. Myers
Dec 5, 2008
Jerome Bluestein – A-Co 20th AIB
In regard to putting future newsletters on the Association’s web site, I, like 30% or more of the vets in our age group, do not have a computer.
Since I do not expect to attend future reunions, this would effectively shut me out of all communication with the Western Chapter. Then, what would be the point of my continued membership?
I understand the need to reduce expensive costs, but could you make an exception for those of us who request to receive mailed paper copies of the newsletter? I would be glad to pay extra for mailings.
– Cordially, Jerome Bluestein
[Jerome – Paper newsletters will continue to be printed and mailed to all Western Chapter members. – Ed.]
Dec 2008
Steve Joseph– A-Co 11th Tank Bn
Just a line to let you know I’m still kicking. Won’t be 90 ‘til August. Still driving. Good to see Mae Reed and Charles Shenloogian is still going.
Started as a horseshoer, ended up as a tank commander. Landed in Cherbourg, went all the way to 20 days before the war ended when we were attacked by a bomb from a last aerial attack.
Have a great year.
– Steve Joseph
B Troop 11 H.C.
A Co. 11th Tank Bn.
from 1-28-1942 to 12-13-1945
P.S. Have six of Patterson’s books, one for all the boys in the family.
Dec 2008
Edmund Schroback – A-Co 132nd Ord
Hello Fellow Tigers,
Retired from the Army in 1967. Joined the American Red Cross and spent 15 years in the Red Cross blood bank program. Retired again…
– Edmund Schroback
Nov 14, 2008
Ralph Jenkins – Div-Band-MP
Included are my ’09 dues for Western Div. of the 10th Arm’d. I am sure glad to read the stories of “My Ward.”
I went to Basic at Fort Riley and picked the band on the Mexican Border – the 10th Cavalry. It was great training with horses until the first jeep arrived. It was a great curiosity. I remember after some time, certain troupers took the jeep out in the mountains and fired M3 thru the body to prove that it was not safer than the horse.
After maneuvers in Tennessee and returning to Ft. Gordon, Georgia, I did a sojourn with the M.P.’s and since then many new posts, and recruits coming into the Army. I transferred to the Air Force Band in Pocatello, Idaho then to Colorado Springs, Colorado. I went then to Madison, Wisconsin where I was band leader, and next to Chicago, St. Louis, Chicago, Boca Raton, where I was in a hurricane, and finally St. Louis for my final papers.
I still claim the 10th ARMD and have some friends among them.
My address changed in 2008 when my wife and I moved from Placentia, California to Cuenca, Ecuador, South America. I met my wife while in my world travels and we are back in her hometown. She retired from Grade School in the USA last year, and I have retired for years. We have two new apartments in the 3rd city (Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca) and our location is on an island (five rivers from the Andes) flow through the city. We finally purchased a ’08 auto for our traveling. The Spaniards sure knew a good thing. We are in the Pacific side of the Andes and the jungle is on the East. In other words the Galapagos are west of us with strange animals, fishes, birds, etc. and the Andes east of us with the condors, llamas and the jungle.
– Ralph N. Jenkins
Nov 12, 2008
Marilyn Connolly – A-Co 3rd Tank
Dear All,
I enjoy so much reading the newsletter. So many dear friends have passed on. Warm greetings to all the friends I have known — remembering the good times in San Diego & other Southern California locations.
Love & prayers to all,
– Marilyn Connolly
Nov 2008
Dustin Aughenbaugh – C-Co 55th AEB
Hello Everyone:
We are hanging on!
Dusty is in a nursing home, but still amuses me with his memories of the 10th Armored.
I wish we could see you all in Phoenix. Have fun, and pray for our nation.
– Madeline Aughenbaugh
May 8, 2008
Jim Rosenau – A-CO 55th AEB
63 years ago we were in Garmisch!
We are watching the apple trees blossom along with the cherry and apricot trees – our valley looks colorful & gorgeous!!
We continue to happily take on air & water each day. What with ankle, knee, hips, shoulder, teeth, eye & ear replacements or attachments, should we get to heaven God is surely going to ask where his creation is??
We don’t walk the 30 inch stride any more. We are walking. I joined Co. A 55th AEB at Crailsheim and enjoyed the subsequent tour through Bavaria & the Bavarian Alps. I was fortunate to work at the desk of the Tiger Lair @ Lake Eibsee for a wonderful summer – skied Mt. Zuggspitz. I couldn’t go home with you all so I applied & attended Biarrittz (France) American University for a nice part of that year on the Atlantic Ocean.
Then, I found that walking guard duty in Czech and was not that interesting so I applied and again was fortunate to go to school at Newtonwood Air base near Blackpool, England for a couple three months. I returned to Bayreuth, Germany & developed enough diseases to merit hospital from which I recovered. Still able to breathe & eat, but mostly skinny! Attended the University of Washington (Seattle) & then traveled the United States, Canada & Mexico in various sales capacities. Final career was a 20 year stint as an investment counseling stock broker. Enough!
Jim Rosenau
April 22, 2008
Ralph Mellman – 150th Signal CO
Enclosed is my $10 check to renew my membership in the Tenth.
I guess that I am batting 1000 since I will be unable to attend the next reunion. I have never made it to a reunion yet. My wife has had (over the past 30+ years) undergone 15 major surgeries for heart related and cancer related problems. As I tell her “you are one tough broad.” I believe her main doctor is going to write her up in a medical journal.
In addition I will need a knee replacement surgery as soon as I can get the time to get one schedule to fix a knee that was injured in spring of 1945 during WWII in a jeep accident.
These medical bills have been horrendous. Medicare does not pay the bills in total, nor do they pay anywhere close to the billed amount. These are the “golden years”!!!
Regards to all the ASTP guys from the University of Georgia and the 150th Signal Company.
-Ralph Mellman
April 18, 2008
Charles Lombardi – CO-B 132nd ARMD MN BN
Dear Phil,
Thank you for the information on the Western Chapter of the 10th Armored Division.
I was a truck and tank mechanic in Company B of the 132nd Armored Maintenance Battalion attached to Combat Command B of the 10th Armored Division during World War II. My rank was Technician 5th Grade.
My company was responsible for working behind the lines processing tanks and half tracks and getting them ready for battle. We did maintenance work and repairs including trucks of the Third Army. We went into the field after many battles and repaired as many tanks as we could to get them back into action. Most of the parts we used for repairs were taken from tanks that were too damaged to be used in combat again.
I saw action in France and Germany and was involved in the battle for Bastogne where my feet were frozen causing me to have pain in my legs for many years after I was discharged.
Trier was the first major German city taken and it was there I was almost killed by a sniper whose bullet bounced off the tank I was working on, missing my head by about two inches.
I am enclosing $10.00 for the annual membership. My spouse’s name is Tillie and she will not be attending the dinner with me.
Yours truly,
Charles F. Lombardi
April 14, 2008
Mae Reed (Chuck)
– A-CO 54thAIB
Dear Joe,
Thinking of you. Imagine you are busy with reunion plans. I won't be there so please tell folks I send regards. Have developed some health problems.
Sure enjoy the warmer weather. Keep busy but keep slower. Hope you're feeling fit and keep busy too.
Do you think Chuck would approve these stamps? Robert (son-in-law) gave them to me for Xmas.
Take care,
Love, Mae
(Mae also sent an article about Col. Wade Gatchell which can be viewed here.)
March 21, 2008
Gene & Elfie Flowers – B-CO 20th AIB
Sorry to be late. But I have been laid up in the hospital. I am not out of the woods yet. One day at a time. Not much of a writer as I am legally blind.
-Gene (Known as Okie in the company)
March 13, 2008
Francis & Dolores Koren – B-CO 54th AIB
Enclosed is my check for $90, $80 for the reunion and $10 membership dues for my husband, Francis, who was a member of the National Division. He is now in a nursing home with Dementia and Parkinson’s.
I will be attending the reunion with Bob Miller and Aletha. My husband and I attended the reunion in Colorado Springs in 2002.
Dolores Koren
March 6, 2008
Martin Siebrass – B-CO 3rd Tank
Enclosed is a check for my dues and my son, Scott. 2007 has not been a good year for me. In June I discovered I had colon cancer. It was found early. Took radiation and chemo the last half June and July. Tumor was removed Aug 30. Went on insurance chemo Oct 3 and it ruined my blood and was in isolation for 9 days. It could take up to a year or more to get back to normal. It was handled by our first class VA hospital in Omaha NE. Don't think I will be able to make the reunion.
I was in the infantry first along the northern French border. I joined the 10th Armored at Toul by Nancy, France. A little west of there another GI and myself walked up from behind and captured a 2-star General, his SS driver and a German command car. Talked to Gen. Patch in Oberammergau, Germany in May 1945. Gen. Patch said he had gotten a German command car near the same place in France and was touring with it. Gen. Patch said it was probably the same one and he thanked me kindly for it. His first words were, "Son, how old are you? I have a grandson that is a sophomore in H.S. and looks older than you do." We talked for 15 minutes.
-Martin Siebrass
February 26, 2008
Robert Gillham – A-BTRY 419th AFA
Dear Tigers,
Don't have a lot to say that anyone would be interested in except I'm still around. Had my 95th birthday a week ago. I joined the 419th AFA as a replacement the last of Feb 1945. At the end of the war in Europe I was transferred to a TD battalion to prepare for Japan. The war ended while we were on our way back to the U.S. to get new equipment and a little more training.
After being discharged in 1946, I returned to college at Colorado State and got my degree in agronomy. Then back to the farm and ranch where I spent most of my life raising wheat and cattle. Married a High School friend and raised 4 boys and one girl. She had Parkinson's disease several years before passing away after 51 years of marriage. I then married my high school sweetheart seven years ago and we are still here where I lived for many years. My health is still very good, my knees give me some trouble. I'm looking forward to a few more good years but at 85 we don't really know. Guess I'd better sign off.
Robert Gillham
February 26, 2008
Mary Gallacher (Mick) – HQ-CO 54th AIB
Dear Phil,
Good to receive your nice note -- and I appreciated the picture enclosed -- and no, I hadn't seen it before. Thank you!
It was a long time ago -- but I remember the Nat'l Convention in Cincinnati -- a really good one. Mick discovered an old war buddy from his Division -- they "bonded" again. That meeting was over 20 years ago. I don't remember the name of the hotel where the Western Chapter stayed -- looks like Mick & I were standing in the lobby. I seem to recall too that there was an old fashioned "nickel & dime" store across the street -- I bought Mick a magnet that showed a sleepy guy with droopy eyes saying "I Don't Do Mornings" -- Mick had been saying that for years!
Best regards,
February 22, 2008
Dwayne Rule – A-CO 20th AIB
I saw in the Feb. Tiger Tales that Capt. Talbert Co. A 20th AIB recently died. I remember very well the day he was appointed command of Co. A. We had attacked across the Kyle River at Ehrang, north of Trier. When I saw the small valley ahead with wooded hills on 3 sides I immediately thought of the poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade." Into the valley of death rode the 600. This is going to be very bad, and it was. The Company was badly hammered, Capt. Holehouse was killed and later Capt. Talbert was appointed command.
-Dwayne Rule
February 21, 2008
Bob Weber – A-CO 54th AIB
Dear Phil,
Enclosed are my 2008 dues. Unfortunately, Arizona is a long way from Michigan so I doubt that Jeanne and I would be making your reunion in May, although it would be a pleasure to be there. Lots of luck with all of your efforts. You are doing a great job -- so keep up the good work!
Bob Weber
February 16, 2008
Hilda Price (Charles) – B-CO 132nd ORD
I have enclosed my dues. I enjoy reading the newsletter and hearing from all of you. It reminds me of so many good times. Charles looked forward to seeing you all each year.
I am doing fine and am happy here as it is close to one son and closer to the other. They sure have been a great comfort to me.
Good luck with your reunion. I will be thinking of you all.
Hilda Price
February 16, 2008
Alfred Taylor – HQ-CO 80th MED
I enjoyed the recent Tiger Tales, and my son Jeff and I wish we could be with you this year. We will both be teaching English in Florence, Italy in May unless something happens to change our plans.
Now for some news:
Sgt. John R. Miller of Headquarters Co., 80th Medics was buried on Sept. 24, 2007 in Poland, Ohio.
I have contacted three former Tigers by telephone in the last month or two -- Cpl. John V. Cody and Sgt. Ralph Ruplinger of the 80th Medics and George Clark of the 54th AIB. Cody lives in Massachusetts, Ruplinger splits time between Tenn. and Wisconsin, and Clark lives in Tenn. All three seem to be doing well.
I was a radio operator with the 80th Medics until the war ended. After the 10th A.D. left for home in Sept. 1945, I worked on "The Bremen Port Command" as a sports writer until March 1946, when I returned home.
I taught college English and journalism until 1989. My wife, Jean, died in 1989. In retirement, I write articles and take pictures for a regional section of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette and other publications.
I forgot to mention that my son Jeff and I stay in touch with Mel Rifkind, a former 10th A.D. infantry man who lives in California.
-Alfred Taylor
February 16, 2008
Viola Walker – AM/HQ 423rd AFA
Sorry I am late. My husband was driver for Col. Beverly (later a Gen.) with HQ 423rd. My husband passed away 2/91 with cancer. We had 2 sons that served in the Army, one that served in the Air Force (Retired) and one son had gout and the army didn't want him.
Best Wishes,
Viola Walker
February 16, 2008
Charles Shenloogian – C-CO 11th Tank
Just a few lines to let you know I'm well and spent my winter in Arizona. I'll be leaving here mid April. Wish I could make the Reunion which is in the backyard here, but I've got to get back home in NJ. I miss the 11th Cavalry (F Troop) and the 10th Armored (C Company 11 Tank). Not many of us left. Don't know of many, though I know of two of my buddies that are in Ohio. Didn't hear from a couple that I use to. We are not youngsters anymore!
As Ever,
Charles Shenloogian
February 14, 2008
Jack Homrighausen – A-CO 54th AIB
If breathing improves we’ll be there.
-Jack Homrighausen
February 13, 2008
Sam Toia – HQ-CO 11th Tank
Hi Phil,
Got the newsletter this week. Glad to hear we’re getting some new members, I’m hoping to get to the May meeting. I’m doing OK. Grace is slowing down. We can’t do too much traveling. See you in May.
-Sam Toia
February 13, 2008
James Geary – A-CO 20th AIB
My wife’s health is keeping me from attending the annual meeting.
-Jim G.
February 13, 2008
James Myers – C-CO 20th AIB
Dear Comrade Burge,
Just a few lines to go with my dues. Finally getting some sun the last few days. Had a little snow shower then we got about 17” but is starting to melt.
I am finally getting to walk after my hip injury on Dec 4th of 2006. Has sure been a long deal.
Wish I could make the convention but not able. I sure wish Pres. Bush would bring our boys & girls home. Must close. Wish everyone well.
James D. Myers
P.S. My wife is Beatrice.
January 19, 2008
Mae Reed (Chuck) – A-CO 54th AIB
Dear Phil,
I have finally gotten around to clean out pictures and photo albums. No need to leave them for my children. Wade Gatchell was a number of 10th A.D. Maybe others would remember him and enjoy the article. (Mae enclosed a newspaper clipping of Wade --> Click here to view. You must have Adobe reader.)
I’m doing well. I sure miss Chuck and old friends. I have lost four girl friends in the last year.
My son has opened his own sign business in Havasu, so I hope to go visit him soon. Hope you are well and busy.